The part of having kids that I hate most - as it dawned upon me - is when they get sick with a very serious illness - so many things that are out of your hands or control...
My nephew, Jonathan, was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in the stomach (neuroblastoma) at the tender age of 2. It is never a good time anytime to contract cancer BUT at 2??? The poor kid had to undergo a battery if tests within the first 24 hours of detection of the growth that includes, a biopsy, a bone marrow test, a bone scan, a CT scan, blood test and urine tests.....
He had been having mild fever for the the past 4 weeks. No other major symtoms that should alarm any of us - but he was admited into hospital for tests and observation and the doctors could nt find anything wrong with him. X-ray, UltraSound tests, blood tests and urine test did not find anything wrong with him - so he was just given anti-biotics to suppress the fever.
Last week, it was suggested that a second opinion should be seeked, and so to another doctor, at another hospotal he went - NObody would have been prepared for what's to come.
The pedeatrian discovered a lump in the abdomen the size of a lemon - and immediatly called for an ultra-sound - and he found that the grwoth was bigger - 14cm x 7cm! - almost the complete size of the stomach. An operation to remove it is not an option due to its size but a biopsy was immediately called for - although the doctor and the onchologist was already painting a very bad picture.
Within 24 hours, Jon was subjected to the torturous battery of tests to diagnose the situation properly. It is now confirmed that it is cancerous and that the 3rd rib bone at the back had been infected. Praise God though, that the Bone Marrow is clean. This will enable a Stem Cell transplant to be done later to help in his recovery.
At the time of writing, Jon has completed his first 72 hour Chemotheraphy session at the hospital. He will also be returning home today (24/6) to recuperate at home before his next Chemo session on 10 july.
His appetite is not very good, although he does ask for food - but he eats very little and he is very undernourished. The doctors has put him on drips and a feeding tube inserted to enable fluid and nutrients to be injected into his body. He also has tubes inserted into his veins for the purpose of administering drugs as part of the chemo theraphy. He has lost a lot of weight and generally his moods arent too good. He is very afraid of the nurses and doctors and would refuse to eat his oral medication. His blood pressure is also high (100s/150s) and still has a fever.
Hopefully, returning home wil put him more at ease and will help improve his appetite, moods, blood pressure and that he will take his medication. Due to Chemo, his immune system is also very low and is very susceptible to infections - so the parents have a lotto do to keep him safe, healthy, and monitored... Growing pains...
Please help pray for little Jonathan Chang.
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